Travis Rowan Photography

Making real estate enjoyable in HI.

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New Developments in Hawaii

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Hawaii neighborhoods

A neighborhood-first approach

Shayna Kusumoto | Compass, RS-85783

We wanted to introduce you to the streamlined version of our REAL website. It makes finding your home here even easier. We’re constantly improving this online tool to be the best resource for learning about Hawaii real estate—especially in the new developments on O’ahu. I also wanted to introduce myself—I’m Shay. I’ll be your realtor and friend, here to serve you.

When you sign up, you’ll get a quick response from me. I’ll have pertinent information you need to sort through options and make a great decision. For all my clients, I lay out the steps in a clear way so you know what’s coming up next. It gives you a REAL competitive advantage. Let’s get you in the door to your new island home.

Or you can call me at (808) 398-7429.

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